Day 3 - Virginia & Maryland11/16/2015 ![]() After leaving beautiful Savannah, I shot up I-95 at a good pace. Or so I thought. People are fucking maniacs on the highway. I forgot that 73mph was an insult no matter what lane you are in. I spent about a hundred miles getting cut off and mean-mugged by aggressive dickbags. However, my numbers were right and I didn't have to get gas until I got into South Carolina. I pulled off the highway and into this little no-name town. Prices were great but the clients could tell I was from out of town. They had that "you sure got a purdy mouth" look on their faces and I knew I had to hurry up and get out of dodge. ![]() Upon reaching the NC/SC state line, I had to stop at South of the Border. It definitely hasn't changed in years. None of the restaurants or attractions had wifi. But the burger I ordered was fantastic and the customer service was even better. Maybe I was just starving, but I destroyed that damn thing. I was tempted to pick up a novelty but it seemed like they have the same dated crap from back in the 90's. Which is oddly kinda cool, but I don't have the budget to blow on things that aren't survival related. ![]() Once I left SOTB, It was a long and boring trek through the now rough terrain of our dilapidated highways. I implore everyone to take the time to write your local congressman or woman. Take pictures of the potholes, broken walkways, and make it known that our infrastructure is in shambles and you are aware of it. I didn't feel safe on the highway until I got into Virginia and went through the Hampton Road Tunnel. The road is smooth and quiet in there. It gave my kidneys a break from the brutal beating they were taking bouncing up and down on what felt like I was driving over the skull ridden terrain of the landscape depicted in 'Terminator.' Reaching Virginia Beach was a simple after that. I met up with my old friend Christy and we decided to hit her favorite bar - The Yard House. It reminds me of a cross between World of Beer and Ale House. Good beer and great food! Christy's girlfriend eventually met up with us and she was a riot. After chowing down and sampling 3 beers from O'connor Brewing, I settled on El Guapo. I subtle, floral IPA that sits at 7.5% ABV. Since most microbreweries showcase their IPA, I just have to accept that and give up on ever finding the equivalent to a Red Monk from World of Beer. Once we settled our tabs, we headed back to Christy's for some shuteye. I ended up editing images and smoking the best damn hookah I've ever made. Mostly due to the chilly temps on the porch, but Starbuzz's Blue Surfer just hit the spot. I witnessed one the neighbors dragging her dog across the parking lot - an adorable little corgi - and I couldn't figure out if the dog was being a pain, or that lady was just a bitch for treating her dog like that. Corgi's are not a breed of disobedient dogs so I'm sure she was just being a douchebag. Afterwards, I finally hit the sack on Christy's couch. From the stories I heard of that couch, it seemed like it had seen more action than mattress at a shady motel. Hey, at least one of us is getting some action!