A day at the library12/8/2015 ![]() While I am still writing up crap that happened to me on the road, I had to share this moment of excellence. I had wanted to hit the local library for the last few days to catch up on stuff and use free wifi without the obligation of getting all bloated and farty over some overpriced coffee. Danielle said she'd take me there since we had to run errands anyways. I said cool. After swinging by Cosco, the grabbing lunch, it was time for the library. I was in the middle of a ridiculous rant about god knows what when I see this guy running down the street like he was stomping on hot coals. We laughed for a minute and then she made a quick left into the Visalia Library. Before getting out, I blurted "sweet, I'm sure that asshole will end sitting right next to me." I make my way into the library, track down someone to help me with the wifi username and password (which changes daily), and found a seat near a power outlet. Everything is now set and I'm all ready to talk about yesterday's awesome fashion introduction with a new client/partner when that f*cking lunatic running down the street missing a shoe, turns the corner at Periodicals and just stares at me through his Panama Jack Aviators for about a minute straight. He puts his jacket on the seat across from us. Then, whilst staring at me, slowly stumbles over to the table next to me. About 20 feet from his jacket. Clearly, this guy is on something. He's indoors wearing shades. And he still hasn't located that other shoe. Then, I hear "pssssst.....pssssst" so I look at him since I figured this dude is about to become my problem. Out of nowhere, this guy carrying a Gandolf-like staff, hobbles over slowly, reaches into his jacket - and at this point I'm thinking "oh shit, this guy is about to shoot him in the face! The old man slowly pulls out this black object when the maniac next to me starts laughing hysterically and I hear "bang" on the table. Turns out it was his shoe. The old guy said "Hey man, you dropped your shoe about 4 blocks back. " He just turned around and left. I must have laughed for a good 5 minutes.