![]() Over the last few years, the internet has given birth to these so-called "Challenges" by which you are dared to do something utterly and completely ridiculous on video and risk injury or death in the process. We minorities will decry "oh, white people" but we have had a few of our own lowbrow moments and participated in large scale to the proliferation of this stupidity. Remember the Cinnamon Challege? How about that fun Fire Challenge? One of the latest additions to this f*ckery is the Duct Tape Challenge. To participate, simply ask a friend to duct tape you to a wall, chair, bed, etc. Then, time how long it takes you to escape. Yes, folks. Your kids are doing this. Youtube has thousands of videos of people attempting this, many being slightly injured in the process. One boy gaining a ton of unwanted attention is Skylar Fish. The 14-year old Frankenstein-esque kid pictured to the left. In attempting to free himself from his silvery binds, he cracked his head open on concrete, suffered a brain aneurysm, is blind in one eye and now permanently disfigured. Who takes the blame in this case? His mother? His Friends? God? Personally, I blame society. We have created an environment where kids can't be kids anymore. Kids are not going through the same phases we did.. They are skipping straight to shenanigans, by passing much of the life experiences they should have before making it to that point. Anyone who plays Call-of-Duty can attest that little kids are foulmouthed little racist dickbags. Youtube has tons of recordings of these kids mouthing off and it's baffling what comes out of their mouths. They aren't running around outside getting hurt riding bicycles like I did on many...many occasions. Now, we have these tiny, jobless, uneducated, desensitized creatures, who can't fend for themselves. I rarely see kids out doing anything. I used to see kids everywhere having a blast, riding bikes, playing games, and just living. The only time they seem to go out now is to capture themselves doing blatantly idiotic things on video and labeling it a challenge? I'd love to see challenges like "Volunteer at a local Food Bank" or "Do something nice for a complete stranger!" How about "Make A new friend by 3pm," that sounds pretty awesome. It sad and hilarious that the film Idiocracy seemed to predict this almost a decade ago. For a complete list of idiotic challenges, click here: http://www.listchallenges.com/youtube-challenges