The White Castle Incident11/23/2015 When I arrived in Indiana, I was pretty beat. I had been on the road for a while and I figured I needed to take a break and get some rest. I spotted signs for the city of Terre Haute. Sidenote: I really had a hard time pronouncing Terre Haute. It comes out Tara-Haauuuoote. Near the exit, I spotted a sign for White Castle. I nearly had a heart attack. I haven't had White Castle in ages! I had to go. So, after cutting off multiple cars, I darted down that exit ramp, made a hard left, and ended up in the parking lot. There was a random lady dressed in a top to bottom poncho pacing the parking lot and I scared the shit out of her when I slid into my spot. She could tell I was on a mission. I walk through the door to hear the familiar sound of disgruntled fast food employees accusing one another of sexual harassment. I noticed the menu has changed quite a bit since I last went to the one on Bruckner Blvd two decades ago. I ended up ordering a two slider meal and added two chicken sandwiches. I figured let me see if I can grade both beef and chicken compared to Krystal's. My findings were surprising. White Castle makes a much better beef sandwich. MUCH BETTER. However - and believe me, it blew me away to say this - but Krystal's makes a 10-times better chicken sandwich. The employee walking around cleaning tables enjoyed watching me destroy this tray of food. When I told him about my trip, he was blown away. He offered me some free food but I couldn't stuff my face anymore. After burping and farting in the parking lot for what felt like 20 minutes, I was confident enough to get into my car, not crap my pants, and head to the Red Roof Inn. Check my previous post for the Red Roof Inn-cident. If you enjoy a good laugh and want to support this crazy trip, please donate to my gofundme campaign linked below!